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Welcome to Boston Brain Center

We are a non-profit clinic dedicated to providing innovation, excellence, and individualized care at every stage of your rehabilitation journey.

Our purpose is to help you fulfill yours

At Boston Brain Center we believe that every recovery journey is unique.

Our expert team's specialized knowledge ensures you receive top-notch care. We utilize cutting-edge technology for effective treatment, all while prioritizing your unique needs. Our compassionate and supportive team will work alongside you and your loved ones through every step of your journey to recovery. Your well-being is our mission. Visit Boston Brain Center today and discover how we can help you achieve your rehabilitation goals!

We provide supportive, compassionate, and highly qualified professionals for all of your medical and nursing needs.

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Who We Are

What we provide

We are dedicated to providing compassionate, individualized, and specialized care based on the most advanced research and technology throughout every step of the neurological rehabilitation journey that we take together.

  • Compassionate

    Unwavering, dedicated support that prioritizes your well-being.

  • Individualized

    Treatment plans tailored to your unique needs and goals

  • Specialized

    Skilled, knowledgeable care providers in all specialties to ensure the best care

  • Advanced

    Innovative treatments and technologies based on the latest science.

Let’s start the journey of hope and healing together. Your recovery is our commitment.

Advanced Technology

Experienced Team

Individualized Care

Service Excellence

Happy Patients
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Home Care
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Years Of Experience
Quality Care
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About Rehabilitation

Every brain injury is different

Our interdisciplinary team will customize a program based on the patient’s specific needs. Call us today to find out how we can help you.


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Group Therapy Occupational therapists can provide treatment in a variety of ways, including one-on-one personalized therapy sessions, caregiver education…


The Importance of Speech Therapy Speech-language pathologists (SLPs) play a crucial role in helping individuals regain and improve essential…


The Importance of Occupational Therapy At Boston Brain Center, our occupational therapists help patients to build strength, improve their…

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Group Therapy Occupational therapists can provide treatment in a variety of ways, including one-on-one personalized therapy sessions, caregiver education…


The Importance of Speech Therapy Speech-language pathologists (SLPs) play a crucial role in helping individuals regain and improve essential…


The Importance of Occupational Therapy At Boston Brain Center, our occupational therapists help patients to build strength, improve their…

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Boston Brain Center is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization, founded on providing the best patient care, research and education.